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signs of god's presence

I have seen God’s hand woven in the timing of my life too many times to count, but I feel like I have experienced even more moments over the past year that only God could orchestrate. I think God knows I need extra reminders that He is with me during times of uncertainty.

Last week I shared about how Michael and I found out we were expecting. There is one part of the story that I still need to share. There was a very special package waiting for me in my mailbox that same evening we got a positive pregnancy test. As I opened the parcel, I was greeted with our BENNETT bracelets from Comfort and Heart!

{Comfort and Heart sells jewelry to benefit the Comfort and Heart Foundation, which helps bring comfort to families who have lost a child.}

A week prior, Comfort and Heart had completely surprised me and announced they were releasing their first gender neutral piece and naming it the Bennett Bracelet in honor of our son Bennett. When I saw the announcement on my phone, I lost my breath and began to cry. It feels so good to see Bennett’s name, and to see his life making an impact on others. I am so grateful to Comfort and Heart for honoring Bennett and for the beautiful, meaningful work they do.

So the same day we found out we were expecting, we received our Bennett bracelets and our family and friends received their orders too! My phone was blowing up with texts and Instagram tags with photos of people wearing their new Bennett bracelets. I was in awe of the timing and knew it was God. As Michael and I started to dream about the child that was growing within me, we honored our son who we miss and love so much, and received so much love from our family and friends—all at once.

Thank you God for your timing. Thank you for reminding us that you see us. You know what is going on in our lives and you know what is to come. Thank you for never leaving us and gifting us with treasured signs of your presence.

Visit Comfort and Heart on Instagram here. Their store is always changing and updating with new products.

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