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baby waters | finding out + announcing

It was in the late afternoon on a lazy Saturday that we found out we were expecting. I was feeling extremely tired on that last weekend of June. We thought about going to the movies but I was just too exhausted. We were lying on the couch watching 30 Rock when I realized Michael was asleep. I'm not a good napper so I got up and randomly grabbed a test. I was feeling weird but I've felt that way before so I wasn't really thinking about it. In the past I've told Michael when I'm taking a test and then we flip it over and look at it together. This time I took it and immediately TWO lines were forming. I felt light headed, like I was in a dream! I rushed downstairs to tell Michael. I nudged him and said, "So, something happened . . ." And he asked, "With Khaleesi?" (our cat) 😄"Umm no. Look!" I said as I shoved the test in his face. 😂♥️

We were both in shock. There have been times in the past when I really thought I was pregnant but then the test was negative. This time I didn't really think it was going to be positive, so I was so surprised! Michael wanted to get more tests so we went to Target to pick up more pregnancy tests, look at baby books (Guys, I've started our registries and our Amazon one is just filled with baby + kid books 😂) and pick up pizza, the perfect lazy weekend dinner.

The next day I left a message with my doctor so I could come in and get my blood taken as soon as possible. I wanted to make sure my hCG was increasing and everything was looking good. We had our first sonogram really early. Michael left work and we were so anxious and excited. I had called to reconfirm our appointment the day before, but when we got there they said our appointment was the NEXT week AND that they don't take our new insurance. 😭Luckily the receptionist was super helpful and they still got us in! 🙌Whew! We got to see the heartbeat at 5 weeks and 5 days! I wasn't expecting that and of course I cried. We have a really cool God story about our due date that I will have to share with you in a future post soon. (It deserves it's own blog post)!


We couldn't hide the news from our family for very long. (If you scroll down you can see photos of how we told them). Books are important to me and my family, so I thought it would be perfect to get the Little Critter books "Just Grandma and Me," "Just Grandpa and Me" and "New Baby" to give to my parents and sisters. I told them I picked up some books for the kids (my nieces and nephews) for them to keep at their houses and then I handed them out. Inside were little notes from Baby Waters. ❤️ They were SO surprised. It worked out perfectly because I usually have dinner at my parent's house on Wednesday nights so I was already there with everyone but typically Michael just goes home after work on Wednesdays instead of making the drive to Orrick. We needed an excuse for him to come over and not raise suspicions. Luckily my mom was making chicken and noodles, Michael's favorite! I told my mom I mentioned to Michael we were having chicken and noodles so he wanted to come over after work to eat. It tricked everyone! hehe

I had told Michael's parents that I was going to stop by their house later that evening because I had a little thank you gift for them for our trips to Colorado and Vegas that past weekend. They had their suspicions because over our trip I didn't drink or ride a rollercoaster with everyone else. I tried to play it off but what can you do! 😂However, they knew I wouldn't come over and tell them we were expecting if Michael wasn't with me, so then they thought maybe not. Well, Michael WAS with me (they didn't know that until they saw him get out of the car with me when we got to their house). Afterward Tom said he saw Michael first and told Karla and she didn't believe him that Michael was in fact with me. We still tricked them because the card to the gift was in fact a thank you for our trips so their suspicions went down. But then they opened a picture frame that says Love at First Sight and inside was a note from Baby Waters. ❤️(And I loved the frame so much that I then bought one for us to keep and put our sonogram in). ❤️

For my coworkers and friends I found these adorable mini pies and made notes saying "Eat up! My mommy doesn't want to be the only one with a belly. -Baby Waters" 😂It was so fun to see their reactions as they read the note and comprehended what I was telling them. A few people just went straight for the pie and started to take the note off without reading it and I had to stop them. 😂

I knew for our online announcement I wanted to incorporate flowers since they've been so symbolic to me over the past year and half. (To read a little more about that, click HERE). Thus we had a mini shoot with pink and blue flowers. I also couldn't resist these funny shirts I found on Etsy. 😂 We used some of these photos to send to family and friends who live out of town. 😊We are so excited and thankful for all of the love and support we have been shown over the past couple months. ❤️❤️❤️

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