My Grandma B passed away seven years ago today. I know Grandpa was waiting for her with a smile on his face as she was ushered into Heaven that summer day but I miss them both so much.
So so much.
This morning I was thinking about what all the past seven years have held and wondered if people in Heaven know anything about what happens to their loved ones after they pass to other side. I thought about how I wished they could have known all of their great grandkids and tears came to my eyes when I thought about how excited they would have been if I’d had the chance to tell them about Bennett.
But then all of a sudden I felt it.
A feeling deep in my bones that they do know Bennett and that they love him dearly. They are with him right now. They can hear his laugh and dance around with him. How could I forget that? Bennett and his siblings are in Heaven with their great grandparents and great great grandparents and grandparents I never even got to meet here on earth.
And I know someday, they will all be waiting for me too.