One thing Bennett’s life has shown me is how much LOVE I have in my life. ⠀⠀
When we lost Bennett in October we were showered with flowers, cards, messages, gifts, food and support. This past Mother's Day weekend the same LOVE was shown through gifts, texts + recognition. ⠀⠀
I grieve because I LOVED Bennett from the moment I knew of his existence. ⠀⠀
Do you notice a theme here?⠀⠀
L O V E ⠀⠀
We grieve because we love, and when we grieve, extra love is shown to us. ⠀⠀
It's kinda beautiful how so much pain can bring out the love we possess for one another. ⠀⠀
I wanted a tangible reminder of the love for Bennett, Michael and myself, so I dried and pressed some of the flowers we received in October and formed them into necklaces that I can now drape around my neck.
If you are going through a hard time, I hope you can not only feel the pain but also see the little moments of goodness and love that you have in your life. ❤⠀