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olathe, ks | campbell boys

I feel like I've known the Campbell's for years!

Back in November, I was thrilled to take photos of the oldest boy Tyler for his modeling portfolio (see our photoshoot together here). I was also a little nervous. Ok, a little more nervous than I usually am before any other shoot (because honestly the nerves never go away). ;)

The reason? Tyler's mom Laura is an amazing photographer, and I didn't want to disappoint them in any way. Long story short, Laura and I started talking about me taking their family photos, photography in general, our love of Christ and coffee and then BOOM, we became friends. :)

I was so excited when Laura asked me to do a little session with all three boys~ Tyler, Toby & Andrew. You can tell Tyler is the oldest by the way he looks after and leads his brothers.

Toby is like me, the middle child--a little on the quiet side, a good listener and the peace-keeper.

Andrew is definitely the little jokester and kept us laughing throughout the session! :D

All three boys are seriously so sweet. I am lucky to know them!

Thank you for always being amazing Campbell family!




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