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loose park, kansas city | senior | madison

To say Madison is busy, is an understatement. She not only plays volleyball and basketball at her high school, she is also a cheerleader, Student Body Vice President and Drama Club President. Whew! And I thought I was busy. 😜 If you find Madison with any spare time at all, you can find her with her friends or reading a good book. Actually her love of books inspired our last photo shoot location--The Kansas City Library.

We got together on a PERFECT autumn morning/afternoon. After hair and makeup styling by the talented Paige Pelfrey, we started Madison's senior session in the studio. ❤️

Then we headed to beautiful Loose Park in Kansas City, MO.

We were surprised there were still flowers in bloom!

The leaves were PERFECT. I wanted to shoot in them all day long.

Our last stop was the fun Kansas City Public Library (or rather its parking garage). 😁 You just can't go wrong with HUGE book covers as your backdrop. 😍

Thank you to Madison for an AMAZING photo shoot! I hope the rest of your senior year is all you wish it to be!! ~ Colette


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