I'm not an expert, but I've put together a few tips that might be helpful if you are expecting . . . like the best maternity leggings (and I went through a lot of trial and error)! Feel free to comment below with any tips you have to share. We are all in this together!
I didn’t need a ton of “maternity” clothes. I got leggings, jeans, long tank tops, and comfy bras. I wore my regular clothes too, like my cardigans and dresses. I bought a couple new dresses for my showers and photos but they were mainly regular dresses (not "maternity" dresses), and I tried to get stuff I can wear postpartum too.
My favorite maternity tank tops are from Target. I have several because I wear them all of the time. (I have them in size medium).
The best maternity leggings I found are the Secret Fit leggings from Pea in the Pod. They are thick, not see through and they STAY UP. (I have them in size medium).
I don’t know how well I’ll like these nursing bras when I’m actually breastfeeding but they are super soft, comfy and affordable.
Everyone’s situation is different but my favorite prenatal vitamins are SmartyPants Prenatal Formula Daily Gummy Multivitamins.
I took baby aspirin and vitamin D which might be beneficial to you if you’ve suffered loss in the past. (I took progesterone before I was pregnant and throughout my first trimester too but I also did this with Bennett). This is what my doctor recommended so it could be helpful to ask your doctor about these.
I’ve had heartburn throughout my pregnancy and mainly tried to ignore it. In the last month or so it got way too bad so I started taking Pepcid twice a day and it has helped me a lot!
I like to sleep on my back but that had to change when my daughter was creating too much pressure on my back. I didn't feel the need to buy an expensive pregnancy pillow. I just put a small pillow between my knees while I slept on my sides.
Drink a lot of water! My sister also recommended BodyArmour drinks. I like them because lately I need to stay hydrated but I'm sick of chugging water. (My favorite flavor is Blackout Berry).
Stand up for yourself, whether with your doctor or just with other people. If you feel like something is wrong, tell your doctor. If you don't think they are taking you seriously, bring it up again. You can insist on getting certain tests, etc. if you want. I did.
Don't research . . . too much, lol. Of course we are all going to Google things and I think certain pregnancy discussion boards are entertaining. However I've noticed a lot of articles are negative and give me more stress than ease. I've been looking for a pregnancy podcast but they all seem pretty negative and I decided I actually feel better not reading a ton of articles or listening to birth stories, etc.
Go with the flow. Do not feel inadequate if certain things don't come natural to you, you aren't able to do "normal" pregnancy things, or your body decides your baby needs to come into the world in a way other than a natural vaginal delivery. On discussion boards I've seen A LOT of women share feelings of shame and it makes me sad. Of course it is ok to feel disappointed if things don't go as planned, but personally I am so thankful for doctors, modern medicine and technology. The things doctors can prepare for, and how they can intervene when needed can save you and your baby's life. It is amazing! You are no less of a woman if you don't have the "perfect" instagram-worthy pregnancy, delivery, breastfeeding experience, etc etc etc.
If you are planning on breastfeeding, take a breastfeeding class. We took the one offered by our hospital and we learned a lot. We feel at least a little more prepared. We also took a Baby Basics class that was helpful but the breastfeeding class was even better so if I had to pick one, I'd pick the breastfeeding class. If you aren't able to go to one in person, I suggest watching one online with your partner.
My favorite non-greasy lotion for my growing belly is Arbonne's Advanced Firming Body Cream.
Write in a pregnancy journal so you can remember the weird symptoms and cute milestones. This was an emotional purchase for me since I had started a journal with Bennett but I'm glad I have his journal and I'm glad I got a journal for little sister. At the moment, everything feels like a big deal and you can't imagine forgetting it but it only takes me a few weeks to forget the little details. I'm glad I wrote down the different names we were thinking of and when we actually decided on Pepper's full name, when Michael felt her move for the first time, and what foods I was craving. I think Pepper will like looking at it someday too! Here is the journal I bought.
Take at least a few photos of your growing belly! Obviously photographs are super important to me. I knew I didn't want to stress about taking a photo every single week, so I chose a dress that would stretch with my belly and started taking a monthly photo. It's fun to see how we grew each month! I also took several maternity photographs as my belly popped out more because I love documenting this special time and see it as such a blessing. {And of course I'd love to take your maternity photos! ❤️😊)
I asked Michael for his advice!
He said to get a lot of sleep. :)