Seven months ago TODAY, Everett made me an aunt for the 7th time! We took these photos a month ago for his six month milestone. (Or is it called his 1/2 birthday?) 🤔 Either way, it's a great time for more photographs! 🎉
Everett is such a happy, smiling ball of squishiness. How can you not want to kiss those cheeks?? 😍 We actually took these photos in a makeshift studio set-up on the front porch of the house where I grew up in Missouri and my parents still live. Everett's mama (my sister) Taylor and big brother Elijah helped Everett to smile and look at me, which wasn't too hard. This was probably the quickest baby/child photo shoot I've EVER done since Everett is typically a pretty content little guy. 🙌 Elijah wanted his photo taken too--which usually does not happen!--so I got to take some cute photos of him too! I think middle brother--2 year old Easton--was running around playing with his cousins while we were shooting. It's fitting though because when I blogged Everett's newborn portraits, there were a few photos of Easton at the end but none of Elijah. It's all even now! 😂(To see Everett's newborn photographs and a couple of Easton on my blog, click HERE).